Consider a Gas Fireplace Insert to Add Warmth & Convenience to Your Home

Do you love the look of a wood-burning fireplace but your lifestyle doesn’t support the commitment required for safe use? Or perhaps someone in your family suffers from a respiratory problem like asthma and the air pollution from wood-burning fireplaces is too dangerous for them.

Consider a gas fireplace insert to add warmth, safety, and convenience to your home without all of the mess and hassle of a wood-burning fireplace. Say goodbye to dirty wood-piles and stacks of old newspaper used for kindling.

A gas fireplace insert is a modern, efficient hot air furnace constructed of steel and glass that is engineered to mimic the flame qualities of a wood-burning fire. A quiet blower fan moves air against the hot surfaces of the unit and better directs the heat into your home. Aside from periodic professional maintenance, a homeowner can enjoy a glowing fire in seconds simply with the flip of a wall switch or remote controller!

Gas fireplace inserts are commonly sized to fit directly within the hearth of existing wood-burning fireplace, and professional installation time is generally minor. The insert requires a supply of natural or propane gas provided through a rigid or flexible gas line, as well as an A/C power outlet if the particular model is equipped with a blower motor. A decorative faceplate is used to finish the face of the fireplace to close any gaps that may exist between the firebox and hearth.

Gas fireplace inserts are also much safer than traditional wood-burning fireplaces. They include glass and metal shields that function for heat collection but also serve as protection from accidental falls for children and pets. Safety shut-offs are designed to shut the flow of gas and extinguish the fire in the rare instance of damage or malfunction.

Convenience comes first with the addition of a gas fireplace insert. There is no need to use matches or lighters to ignite the flame, and there’s no mess from wood, insects, or ash being tracked through your home. Simply push a button and your family can enjoy the comfort of a fire right in your home!

Our favourite brands to use for gas fireplace inserts are well known and trusted in the industry; Montigo and Kingsman are the two brands that we most commonly use in installations because of their high-quality products.

If gas fireplace inserts sound like a good option for your home and family and you want to learn more, take a look at the products and services offered by ProGas North Shore at